Wow! I have updated this blog in a long time. Tumblr might have stolen some of my attention, but the format really isn't as much about blogging as about reposting cute pictures and posting a couple of lines about your day.
So, I'll give this a try again. At least for a day. I barely find time to journal, so updating a blog consistently is an iffy venture. Probably won't happen. But that's okay. It's not like anyone reads what I have written. And that's okay.
Lately, I've been musing a lot about dreams. Not sleepytime dreams. The dreams inside your heart, inside your soul. The ones that consume you. The ones that you reach out to grab, but pull away from because of fear. The ones that are never within reach.
Sometimes, my dreams don't make sense to me. I mean, if it's really one of my dreams, I should chase it whole-heartedly, try to grab it. Not shrink back in fear of the changes it would bring. You shouldn't be afraid of your own dreams, should you?
Or is that normal?
Some of my dreams are big. Pursuing them would literally change everything. My whole life. I tried to ignore the dreams for awhile, but God has placed them on my heart for a reason. He planted them so they could grow.
I need to stop being afraid. I need to run after them, chase them down, through fields, through cities, through waters.
I need to continue to dream.